In the bustling, vibrant streets of Jaipur, a city renowned for its rich culture and artistry, a young dreamer named Urvashi embarked on a journey that would inspire many. At just 28, Urvashi decided to challenge the status quo of a male-dominated professional world in India. After enduring hardships and grappling with challenges in the job sector, she chose to carve her own path by blending her skills with her passion for creativity.
In November 2013, Urvashi founded Mango Gifts n Toys, a proprietorship firm that initially focused on toys—a natural extension of her father’s business. But as she delved deeper into the world of commerce, she noticed the global admiration for the unique textiles, handicrafts, and home décor of her hometown, Jaipur. With this realization, she reimagined her business and transformed it into Mango Gifts—a brand that encapsulates the vibrant essence of Jaipuri artistry.
Why Mango Gifts? Urvashi wanted her brand to evoke a sense of delight, just like the juicy, irresistible taste of a mango. Her products, much like the fruit, were designed to bring joy and goodness into people’s lives.
Alongside her brother, Divesh Batra, who became her trusted partner and unwavering support, Urvashi set out to create something extraordinary. Together, they collaborated with local artisans, blending traditional skills with modern innovation to craft products that told stories of heritage and creativity. With the blessings of her Guru and the encouragement of happy customers, Mango Gifts flourished.
From handcrafted metal crafts to elegant home décor, from vibrant women’s apparel to enchanting wall hangings and vintage cow bells, each Mango Gifts product carries the spirit of Jaipur’s artistry. Over time, their creations began to find homes across the globe, captivating customers in the American and European markets.
Today, through e-commerce platforms and their own dedicated website, Mango Gifts continues to bring the goodness of Jaipur’s culture to the world. The heartfelt feedback and joy expressed by customers fuel Urvashi’s passion to innovate and bring more unique offerings to life.
Our Range of Products
- Vintage Cow Bells and Wind Chimes
- Handcrafted Metal Crafts
- Home Décor Products
- Women’s Apparel and Accessories
- Wall Hangings, Door Hangings, and Other Home Furnishings
Every product at Mango Gifts is a tribute to the artisans who pour their heart and soul into their craft and to the customers who find happiness in owning a piece of this story.
This journey is not just about building a brand—it’s about celebrating the power of dreams, perseverance, and the boundless creativity of humanity. At Mango Gifts, every item is more than just a product; it’s a slice of Jaipur, a touch of tradition, and a sprinkle of joy.
Our Mission
Our Mission
At our Online Wholesale-Only Store, every purchase you make is more than just a transaction—it’s a step toward creating a better world. Here’s how you’re making a difference with us:
Breathing New Life into Old Things: By promoting upcycling, recycling, and reuse, we’re turning waste into something wonderful, reducing environmental impact one product at a time.
Empowering Women: Most of our talented artisans are village women working hard to support their families and communities. Your support helps them thrive.
Caring for the Planet: We believe in sustainability, which is why all our products are handmade, eco-friendly, and crafted with love for nature.
Celebrating Traditional Craftsmanship: By supporting village artisans, you’re helping preserve age-old skills and providing them with opportunities for a better future.
We’d love to hear from you and can’t wait to share our thoughtfully designed, recycled, upcycled, and eco-friendly products with you.
Feel Nature – Love Nature – Save Nature
Thank you for being part of this journey with us. Together, let’s build a greener, kinder, and more beautiful world.